Monday, January 28, 2013

Does new media technology = more happiness?

There are lots of things that shape our lives, starting with our parents and the people who raise us. The people who we are surrounded by and the experiences we have, and what we learn from them, all play a role in the shaping process.

But it is also clearly evident that the media we create, shapes our lives. From the discovery of paper, to Gutenberg's printing press, to traditional media, to new media and everything else in between. For example, the creation of the internet has brought opportunities that were only dreamed of before. Opportunities such as building your brand online, communicating instantly with someone who lives across the globe, and exploring the world around you without even leaving your seat.

Specifically new media, like the internet, has transformed our lives and how we communicate. Our communication has expanded from interacting with those who are relatively close to us to those who can be a million miles away. While connecting us with friends, family, and even strangers all over the world; does new media technology really bring us more happiness?
Try living without the internet for a week. Can you do it? I could live without it if I was forced to but I find that the internet has become inseparable with my lifestyle. It represents convenience and saving time, two things that everyone seems to look for to make their life easier.

When it comes to happiness though, I think it just depends on each person. The internet did not always exist and people found happiness through other things. As we create new communication technology, let us pay close attention to what good it brings; what, if anything that it replaces; and how it shapes our lives so we can better determine if it truly brings us more happiness.

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